V Rising is an open-world vampire survival game that you can play alone or with friends to build your castle and grow your power.
Having access to your own dedicated V Rising server opens up many possibilities for playing, managing, and sharing your experiences in the game.
Whether you’re playing with your friends or hosting a world filled with strangers, there are quite a number of things that Hostari’s dedicated server service will allow you to do.
What is a V Rising server?
A V Rising server is a private world that is hosted by a service such as Hostari, allowing people to continue playing even when the host is not online.
Things to consider
There are many server commands that you can activate during your game and they are relatively straightforward to implement. If you do encounter issues, Hostari provides 24/7 support for its instant set up, high speed servers.
V Rising server settings
Once your server is activated, you can access the settings by edition a .json file called ‘ServerGameSettings’ using the following method:
Navigate to Steam > SteamApps >Common >VRising >VRising_Serve r>VRisingServer_Data >StreamingAssets >Settings
Once you find the .json file, you can open it to edit it with Notepad. The main settings and their functions are listed below:
- GameModeType - PvP or PvE depending on whether you want to fight other players or AI
- CasteDamageMode - Always, Never or TimeRestricted which controls when the castle will take damage
- SledgeWeaponHealth - Used to set the health of siege weapons
- PlayerDamageMode - Always or TimeRestricted to control when players can take damage
- CastleHeartDamageMode - This setting controls how castle hearts can be seized or destroyed
- DeathContainerPermission - Anyone or ClanMembers to determine who can loot dropped items
- RelicSpawnType - Unique or Plentiful to determine if multiple types of soul shards will spawn
- CanLootEnemyContainers - Controls whether you can loot the chests of other players
- BloodBoundEquipment - Controls whether you want to keep your equipment upon death
- TeleportBoundItems - Can be used to prohibit teleports through the vampire waygate
- AllowGlobalChat - Turns on or off the global chat
- AllWaypointsUnlocked - Activates waygates
- FreeCastleClaim - Allows the claiming of a castle at no extra resource cost
- FreeCastleDestroy - Allows the destruction of a castle at no extra resource cost
- InventoryStacksModifier - Changes inventory stacking size
- DropTableModifier_General - Changes the amount of loot dropped by enemies
- DropTableModifier_Missions - Changes the amount of loot dropped by chests
- DropTableModifier_Global - Changes the amount of loot acquired from resource nodes
- BloodEssenceYieldModifier - Changes the amount of blood essence received from enemies
- PvPVampireRespawnModifier - Changes the respawn time in PvP
- ClanSize - Changes the max size of your clan
- VampireStatModifiers - Changes the core stats of a vampire
For a full list of server commands see this list via SegmentNext
There are many server commands that you can activate in V Rising that allow you to control the gameplay scenarios and manage connected players.
Since Hostari allows up to 10 players to be connected to their V Rising dedicated servers, it is vital to know these server commands to maintain the world. Why not give us a try for your V Rising server, with our 24-hour free trial?