If you want to play ARK with friends, you’re going to need a server. 

Dedicated servers, like the ones we offer at Hostari, are usually the best option — but non-dedicated servers also get the job done. Before we dive into the ins and outs of setting one up, let's discuss what a non-dedicated server is.

What is an ARK Non-Dedicated Server?

An ARK non-dedicated server is a local machine (like your computer) that hosts the game for you and your friends. It’s non-dedicated because unlike the dedicated servers we run at Hostari, it’s typically multitasking.

ARK Non-Dedicated Server vs. ARK Dedicated Server

ARK dedicated servers are there to just host the game — they don’t have many other functions like non-dedicated servers do. You can obtain your own dedicated server using Hostari, and get it up and running within minutes. Our high-level gear and user-friendly interface makes server management easy and stress-free.

Non-dedicated servers are usually less expensive than dedicated servers, which require a monthly rental fee. Additionally, non-dedicated servers are easier to manage due to their minimalist features, though they still offer some customizability for your game world.

On the contrary, dedicated servers offer extensive functionalities that can enhance your gaming experience. They provide advanced security, automated setup, and unique IPs to keep out unwanted gamers. Although they may take more time to configure, most of the logistics will be managed for you.

How to set up and Join an ARK Non-Dedicated Server

Before you can set up an ARK non-dedicated server, you must first own the game. You can download it from Steam, and locate relevant mods or custom maps on Steam Workshop.

1. Host a session

  • Start up the game, and click the ‘Host\Local’ option.

  • Next, tweak the server settings until you’re satisfied. For example, you can alter the ‘Non-Dedicated Host Tether Distance’, which controls how far away other players can be from you, the host (we recommend 99.0).

  • There are also customizable options for mods, story, and custom ARKs.

  • When you’re finished with the settings, select ‘Host Non-Dedicated Session’.

  • Now it’s time to choose a name and password for the server. If you want a private session, check the box next to ‘Private Match’.

  • When you’re done, click ‘Accept’ to create the non-dedicated server.

2. Join a Non-Dedicated Server

  • Return to the main menu, and click ‘Join ARK’.

  • You should be taken to a list of ARK sessions. Filter by ‘non-dedicated sessions’ in the bottom left, and locate your server.

  • You can also type the server name in the ‘Name Filter’ at the top of the page.

  • Once you’ve found the right server, click ‘Join’.


In order to play ARK with your friends, you need to join the same server. 

These can be dedicated or non-dedicated — you can either host your own or join one. Whilst non-dedicated servers are fine for hosting ARK sessions, dedicated servers, like the ones we offer at Hostari, usually offer higher-quality gameplay.

Here at Hostari, we simplify server configuration so you can focus your attention on playing ARK hassle-free. Start your free trial now (no credit card required!) to get your hands on your own ARK dedicated server.